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Showing 25 - 36 of 69
Short Courses with the GAA
PEARL & BEAD THREADING Learn to knot pearls like a professional! Quality pearl necklaces require quality pearl threading. This includes…
Update for JAA Members and the Trade
We write this message hoping your business has had a strong start to the new year. We recently exhibited at…
Industry Forum: Joshua Sharp, JAA
What are the biggest issues or challenges the industry should be tackling in the next year? I think with the…
Industry forum: Kim Ridley, Women in Jewellery founder
As a leader in your business, what is the single most important value you want to pass to women in…
Industry Forum: Kym Hughes, NCJV president
How do you think the industry has progressed or advanced in the past year?I think 2022 was a year of…
Industry Forum: Chris Sherwin, Gold and Silversmiths Guild of Australia
Industry forum, 2023
GSGA Touchplate
Recently, I wrote an article about some of the issues the Australian jewellery industry faces in regard to education and…
The Diamond Guild Australia Jewellery Awards set to return in 2023
Diamond Guild Australia has officially announced its long awaited Jewellery Design Awards will be held again in 2023 following a nearly…