The Jewellers Association of Australia Board hopes all industry participants concluded 2022 with a positive trading period and wishes you all the best for the coming year.

In 2023, the Jewellers Association of Australia is pleased and proud once again to bring the JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards to the industry – the longest-running local design and manufacture awards in Australia. This is the 27th program of the Awards, which celebrates and recognises design, innovation, craftsmanship and marketability in the jewellery trade. They are the ultimate industry awards that reward creativity and skill.
Not only do the prestigious Awards give manufacturing jewellers a unique creative outlet to showcase their skills and talents on a professional and respected platform. It also allows industry participants an opportunity to reflect and evaluate themselves against others and, as a result, the Awards promote and foster the growth and talent in the industry.
On a local level, the Awards provides individuals the chance to exhibit their exceptional skill sets and design prowess to not only the industry but to jewellery loving consumers through the JAA’s promotion of the Awards on social media to over 7,700+ followers, as well as through the Awards e-publication and through the Winners’ Video Presentation, which in early 2022 received over 1,600 views.
On an international level, it gives an immeasurable opportunity for category winners to enter the International Jewellery Design Excellence awards in Hong Kong, competing across 27 countries and regions and showcased to tens of thousands of buyers at the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show. Over the last decade, the Awards program has seen three Australian Awards entrants go on to an international stage, with Emily Snadden, Martyn Brown and Martin Linning, and Roberto Mattei being awarded in the International Jewellery Design Excellence Award in Hong Kong. With the HKTDC International Jewellery Show back after Covid restrictions have lifted we can’t wait to see how our Awards winners will go on the international stage in 2024.
We are excited to see how this year’s entrants push the design envelope in 2023 along with demonstrating their skills in executing challenging technical elements. Year on year, comments from the judges’ centre around how difficult, yet fulfilling, it is to judge the varying design styles and techniques of the entries.
We thank our generous sponsors – without their support our Awards program would not happen. We call on entrants and the wider industry to support such companies who back programs aimed at supporting the essence of our industry, manufacturing.
In addition, we look forward to once again celebrating and recognising the entrants, finalist and announcing winners of the 2023 JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards at a soiree to be held in Sydney in August. This event will be held at the same time of the inaugural Sydney Jewellery Industry Fair.
So, let’s see who it will be in 2023. Entries close in early July. You can register your details at to stay updated on all things JAA Awards.
JAA Board

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