We write this message hoping your business has had a strong start to the new year. We recently exhibited at the Jewellery Industry Fair, held in Melbourne in early February. The Fair is the first time the JAA has exhibited at a jewellery fair since 2016. In 2022 we had a soft presence due to the ongoing impact of Covid and what a refreshing welcome back it was.
With strong attendance throughout the two-day event, it was fantastic to catch up with long term industry participants and meet new faces establishing themselves in the industry. It was particularly pleasing to see businesses and clients who have connected over the Covid period, finally meet in person. The relaxed yet upbeat atmosphere at the Fair was great to experience within a safe, unique and bespoke setting.
The exhibitor stand designs and event styling matched perfectly to give buyers inspiration and enthusiasm for the year ahead, not to mention the remarkable array of products and services on offer. The positivity expressed by exhibitors and buyers no doubt gets the year off to a great start.
JAA President Joshua Sharp, Vice President Ronnie Bauer, Director Dr Meredith Doig and JAA employee Megan Young were in attendance to discuss not only JAA membership, benefits and the 2023 Awards program but the varied matters at hand currently facing the jewellery industry.
JAA President, Josh and Megan were able to connect with Jewellers and Watchmakers of New Zealand’s President, Susi Chinnery-Brown. It was encouraging to connect and hear of the positive progress being made across the ditch, in particular how the industry privately manages and supports all jewellery apprenticeships across New Zealand. JAA President, Joshua Sharp, remarks “It was lovely to be able to see familiar faces as well as having positive dialogue with many members of the industry. These are optimistic steps towards uniting our trade and working together towards a common aim.”
We congratulate the Jewellery Industry Network team for bringing together this wonderful event. We look forward to exhibiting at the inaugural Sydney Jewellery Industry Fair taking place on 26-27 August 2023, where we will proudly be exhibiting the entries of the JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards.
Add it to your calendar – we hope to see you there. You can find out more about the Awards at jaa.com.au/awards – entries due July. Don’t forget you can always view the benefits available to members at jaa.com.au/benefits.
JAA Board
Further reading: