For millennia, people have been captivated by the beauty, mystery, rarity and value of what became known as gemstones. Today, Gemmology involves the scientific study of gemstones, ornamental materials, biological and biogenic gem materials, their synthetics counterparts (laboratory grown) and imitations.
These materials are identified using a combination of established theoretical knowledge and a comprehensive range of gem testing techniques using specialised instruments. With advances in technology bringing an ever increasing number of imitations, synthetics and gem treatments, the academic and practical challenges required of the working gemmologist are constantly evolving.
Inventive individuals have learned to duplicate many of nature’s masterpieces and in the process created laboratory grown (synthetic) gem materials and very effective look-alikes (imitations). In addition, numerous techniques have been developed for enhancing the beauty of lower quality gemstones.
The identification of all this material offers a continuing challenge to the science of gemmology and gemmologists.
Learn with the Gemmological association of Australia (GAA)
We are a team of professional educators and volunteers who are passionate and enthusiastic. Being a not-for-profit organisation provides assurance that we operate with the best interests of our members and students in mind.
Our lecturers and demonstrators maintain a high academic standard whilst ensuring that what students study is relevant and current. Restricted class sizes ensure that everyone receives adequate attention. The GAA has Divisions in every state in Australia, and that means that our graduates become part of a local gemmological community – of immense benefit for networking and ongoing training.
How does GAA assist industry professionals?
“The GAA has provided me with the detailed knowledge of the physical properties of gemstones. I have learnt how to identify the limitations and benefits of gemstones and how to use them for maximum results.”
– Andrew Walsh, FGAA DipDT RV142, Robert Parker & Sons.
“I love being a qualified Gemmologist as it has allowed me to confidently expand my business towards rare and unusual gemstones and to know exactly what I am buying here and overseas.”
– Chris Holdsworth, BCom FGAA FGA DipDT RV279, Holdsworth Bros Jewellers.
“Studying with GAA brings the expertise, networking and confidence to build a solid career in a multimillion-dollar industry.”
– Gina Barreto, DipDT, FGAA
Joining a gemmology class can be great fun with a wonderful group of people and open up another world for yourself.
For course details:
or call: 1300 GEM EDU