Jewellery World Articles
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Ronnie Shabtay Fine Jewellery
New from Ronnie Shabtay Fine Jewellery Further reading:
Forevermark unveils new retail concept store
Forevermark unveils new retail concept store in China focused on Millennials. Libert’aime™ by Forevermark will merge online and offline platforms…
JNA 2018 record number entries
JNA Awards 2018 draws record number of entries 127 submissions across 12 categories from 16 countries and regions
Originality from discarded waste
Craig Arnold Re:vision Upcycling is a growing part of our everyday lives. We reinvent everything from food, to clothing, to…
Jeweller profile – Ian Brookes
JAA Member Ian Brookes was fortunate to fall into the industry over 30 years ago after receiving an SOS call…
How to promote your jewellery business on social media
The best publicity campaign is a consistent and cost-effective promotion of your brand, starting with your target audience, and spreading…