Practical diamond grading

This short course will build on your knowledge of gemstones and, in particular, diamonds. Practical Diamond Grading (PDG) together with Advanced Practical Diamond Grading (APDG) are the practical components of the Diploma in Diamond Technology (DipDT). Practical instruction is delivered by acknowledged diamond experts who will teach you the use of professional instruments in the laboratory.
• Handling diamonds and examination with professional tools
• Weight estimation techniques for round and fancy shapes
• Colour and clarity grade estimation, including plotting of inclusions
• Cut grade assessment based on estimated proportions
• Separating and identifying diamonds from imitations
• Testing diamonds for fluorescence
• Introduction to detecting synthetic and treated diamonds
Advanced practical diamond grading
This course follows on from the knowledge and experience you have gained in Practical Diamond Grading and extends the principles learnt in assessing round brilliant cut diamonds to the fancy shapes. It also extends your knowledge of diamonds by teaching you about what can be done with damaged diamonds and their salvage potential, how to approach and evaluate antique diamond cuts, grading colour of fancy coloured diamonds and how to recognise and identify the newest CVD and HPHT synthetic diamonds.
• Application of proportion relationships in affecting cut grades
• Recutting damaged or old cut diamonds and assessing potential yield
• Evaluating brilliance, dispersion and scintillation
• Factors affecting cut quality in fancy shape diamonds
• Estimating colour and clarity of mounted diamonds
• Colour grading of fancy coloured diamonds
• Recognising the latest treatments and synthetic gem materials
Introduction to antique jewellery
Are you interested in antiques? Starting with a brief history and outline of antique jewellery periods, this course overviews the use of gemstones, synthetics, imitants and unusual materials used in vintage jewellery. Metal hallmarks and makers marks are discussed as an aid to dating jewellery. Factors to consider when identifying, buying or selling Georgian, Victorian, Art Deco and Art Nouveau Styles are also reviewed. CPD points available to NCJV members.
• Metal and hallmarks explained
• Georgian era
• Victorian era
• Art Nouveau
• Art Deco
• Present day
• Dating jewellery through visual examination
• Jewellery buyer
• Jewellery valuer
• Second hand dealer/auction house staff
• Auction & antique sales
• Personal interest
• Sophisticated purchaser
• Estate jewellers
Introduction to gems and gemmology
Introductory courses are designed for the beginner wanting to gain an understanding into the wonderful world of gemmology. You might be involved in the jewellery trade or just fascinated by gems.
• Properties of Gemstones
• Beauty, Durability, Rarity
• Physical, Optical
• Diamonds
• Coloured Gems
• Synthetics
• Simulants
• Ornamentals
• Organics
Includes an overview of the theory (the scientific study of gemstones) plus laboratory sessions to learn how that theory applies to the testing and identification of these materials utilising gemmological equipment.
Call: 1300 436 338
Facebook: GemmologicalAssociationGAA
Instagram: @ gaa_australia

5-6 November VIC SOLD OUT – contact us to be put on a waitlist or contacted for further details
Introduction to Gems & Gemmology
GAA VIC Div, 380 Spencer St, West Melb
5-6 November QLD
Introduction to Gems & Gemmology
GAA QLD Div, Ipswich Rd Annerley
6 November WA
Pearl & Bead Threading
GAA WA Div, 136 Railway St, Cottesloe
7-11 November QLD
Practical Diamond Grading
GAA QLD Div, Ipswich Rd, Annerley
12-13 November QLD
Advanced Practical Diamond Grading
GAA QLD Div, Ipswich Rd, Annerley
13 November WA
Introduction to Ornamentals & Crystals
GAA WA Div, 136 Railway St, Cottesloe
19-20 November NSW
Introduction to Gems and Gemmology
GAA NSW Div, 128 Terry St, Rozelle
20 November WA
Introduction to Antique Jewellery
GAA WA Div, 136 Railway St, Cottesloe
Please visit for course times and further details.