How do you think the industry has progressed or advanced in the past year?
I think 2022 was a year of people thinking things may slow down once international travel resumed, however, I think for most people we have been busier than ever. I do think that the use of online platforms and ways of connecting with people has been advantageous to the jewellery industry and I hope that this continues.
How do you align your organisation with your vision and mission?
Valuation expertise, education and support for industry and consumers – the NCJV takes pride in our members being educated to an approved standard and our policy of ongoing training means our members are kept up to date with market trends. This means that our association goes to great lengths to make sure our educational standard is high for current and new and upcoming members, and this enables us to help consumers and members of the trade receive the highest level of service from our members. We also from time to time help consumers with issues that they may have with purchases be it Australian or overseas.
What lessons have you learnt this year?
That education is the key we never stop learning and the NCJV has found via our RTO Valued Education t/a NCJV-EDU the thirst for knowledge in the industry is still be sought out by people and I think we can only say this is a good thing as consumers will benefit from this.
What are the biggest issues or challenges the industry should be tackling in the next year?
As an association that we all have a place in the industry, and we all offer something to our members and some people will belong to all or some of the associations, therefore, when and if required the industry bodies come together to work cohesively for the collective good of the industry to solve any issues as and when they arrive.
As a leader in your business, what is the single most important value you want to pass to your members?
As we posted on our social media platform during the year – Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. It costs nothing to be nice and wouldn’t the world be a nicer place if we all played nicely with each other.
Further reading: