The Queen of Gems Boulder Opal Jewellery Design Awards

The Queensland Boulder Opal Association (QBOA) is renowned for its dedication to promoting the unique beauty of boulder opals and nurturing the talents of designers and jewellers who work with this exceptional gemstone. One of the most significant initiatives by the QBOA is the annual Queen of Gems Boulder Opal Jewellery Design Awards, a competition Read more…

Written by Jewellery World

The Queensland Boulder Opal Association (QBOA) is renowned for its dedication to promoting the unique beauty of boulder opals and nurturing the talents of designers and jewellers who work with this exceptional gemstone. One of the most significant initiatives by the QBOA is the annual Queen of Gems Boulder Opal Jewellery Design Awards, a competition that celebrates and showcases the creativity, craftsmanship, and innovation of contemporary opal jewellery.

Stimulating Creativity in Contemporary Queensland Boulder Opal

The QBOA provides a platform for accomplished jewellery designers, garment creators, and other artisans to invigorate their creativity using contemporary Queensland Boulder Opal. This competition caters to established professionals and up-and-coming designers, including students, graduates, educators, jewellers, goldsmiths, and non-professional enthusiasts. The competition’s objective is to showcase modern opal jewellery by embracing cutting-edge concepts and distinctive designs, thereby establishing the QBOA as a preeminent authority in opal artistry.

The Queen of Gems Boulder Opal Jewellery Design Awards

The Queen of Gems Boulder Opal Jewellery Design Awards celebrate the opal gemstone of Queensland by focusing on three main criteria: originality, craftsmanship, and wearability. These awards seek to elevate the boulder opal to new heights of artistic expression, encouraging designers to push the boundaries of their creativity.

Originality: Judges look for designs that are novel or unusual, engaging, and inspiring. The originality of each piece is paramount, as the competition seeks to showcase innovative ideas that captivate both the maker and their audience.

Craftsmanship: The quality of workmanship is crucial. Judges assess the quality of design, hand-made work, finish, polish, and the compatibility of materials used. High standards of craftsmanship ensure that each piece is not only beautiful but also meticulously crafted.

Wearability: Designs must be practical and comfortable to wear. Judges consider how well the piece integrates with the body, its comfort, and aesthetic appeal. Wearability ensures that the jewellery is not just a work of art but also a functional accessory.

Creative Use of Opals: This criterion emphasises the imaginative and original use of opals in the design. Judges evaluate the creativity in the execution of ideas, from routine to innovative to creative designs. 

Judging Process and Criteria

The judging panel is composed of experts from various disciplines, ensuring a diverse range of perspectives. Typically, the panel includes opal and jewellery industry specialists, along with a judge from a non-jewellery background to provide a fresh viewpoint. Judging is conducted “blind,” with no identifying marks on the entries, ensuring impartiality and fairness. The design committee tabulates the scores, and winners are announced during the QBOA Opal Trade Fair’s evening event.

Categories and Prizes

The competition includes multiple categories to accommodate various levels of experience and techniques:

Category 1: Professional Jeweller
A: Handmade – Prize $4000

B: Cast / CAD / CAM – Prize $2000

Category 2: Emerging Jeweller

A: Handmade – Prize $2000

B: Cast / CAD / CAM – Prize $1000

Category 3: Wearable Fashion – Prize $1000

Category 4: Art / Object** – Prize $1000

Each entry must be accompanied by a technical description and the source of inspiration, detailing the materials used and the concept behind the design. This contextual information helps judges understand the creative process and the story each piece conveys.

Past Awards and Techniques

The awards have traditionally emphasised handmade jewellery, aligning the artisan jeweller with the artisan opal cutter. However, new techniques in manufacturing, such as CAD and casting, have paved the way for innovative styles in both jewellery and object design. These advancements allow for greater creativity and precision, enhancing the possibilities for designers.

Key Event Information

The Queen of Gems Jewellery and Design Awards will be held at the Waltzing Matilda Centre in Winton, Queensland, Australia, at 6:00 PM on Saturday, July 13th, 2024. This event is an annual highlight, taking place on the second weekend of July each year. Alongside the awards, the QBOA will also host the biannual Opal Symposium, coinciding with the annual Winton Opal Show, making it a significant gathering for opal enthusiasts and industry professionals.

In addition to demonstrating the limitless creative energy of contemporary jewellers and designers, the Queen of Gems Boulder Opal Jewellery Design Awards are also a tribute to the Queen of Gems Boulder Opal Jewellery Design Awards. As a leading institution in the field of opal artistry, the QBOA is able to promote boulder opals by creating an environment of innovation and excellence. In addition to providing a platform for showcasing your talents, this competition offers an opportunity for you to contribute to the rich heritage of Queensland boulder opals, whether you are a professional jeweller, a young designer, or a collector. Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to express your creativity.

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