Nationwide Jewellers have created a business management course, specifically for retail jewellers. The course comprises ten modules which are designed to encompass the essential business skills required to successfully manage a retail jewellery business in a difficult economic environment.
The modules are :
- Business Ownership
- Sales Training and Knowledge
- Store Design and Layout
- Visual Merchandise
- Personnel
- Financial Management
- Marketing
- Merchandise
- Administration
- Business Action Plan
“This new course is part of our Industry Best Practice Programme, which also includes business analysis, business planning, benchmarking and consultancy services. “ said Nationwide Managing Director, Colin Pocklington. “The Course Reference Folder includes a number of resources that will be invaluable to store owners, covering areas such as consumer law, uncollected goods, awards, training and much more.”
The course which is conducted over two days, will be made available to Nationwide members, in each capital city. As the course is interactive, and the emphasis allocated to each module is tailored to the participants levels of experience and expertise, the number of attendees in each location will be limited to a maximum of six members.
“We estimate that it would cost someone $6,000 or more to do a retail jewellery specific course like ours. However, we will be providing it free for all of our reward level members.” Pocklington added.

For further information contact
Colin Pocklington
02 94180000