To say things have been difficult of late would be an understatement. From all angles, the light at the end of the tunnel seems extremely far away for many, if even there at all.
I think for everyone, the feeling of disappointment and worry, combined with fear and the lack of control, is meaning that every one of us is trying to get through each day, one day at a time.
But what is interesting about this, is that those feelings often coincide with the feeling of being alone. But regardless of whether you are in lock down or isolated at home or operating business as usual, you are not alone.
One of the beautiful things about our industry is that between jeweller to jeweller, supplier to supplier, retailer to retailer, we try to support each other.
Through the eyes of the JAA, I have seen this across the country from all angles. Our recent surveys showed industry members had much concern for the current state of the industry, but also great hope for its recovery and future.
It has been our goal for the past months at the JAA to increase communication, connection, and support to all areas of the jewellery industry. And you will see that with some of our latest initiatives:
Industry research
We have conducted multiple surveys to gauge the state of the industry and compiled this research into reports back to the industry.
The JAA has released a new Instagram page specifically for the trade (JAA_Tradeonly) so that we can keep you up to date with weekly activities from the JAA and be assured that your association is actively working towards benefiting the industry, each and every day.
A new look members’ portal has been released with new categories and easy to find member benefits. If you have not logged on for a while, now is the time to check it out.
State support
We are in the stages of rebuilding our state strategy. Working on the ground in each location has never been so important, so we will be reaching out to Australian communities in the coming weeks and months to strengthen our local support.
Despite all of us flying a little blind right now, it is important for me to reiterate to you and such valued industry members, that we at the JAA are here for you. Although sometimes we are behind the scenes, we are still very much fighting for you and the future of this gorgeous industry.