Update for JAA Members and the Trade – November 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, the Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) takes a retrospective glance at the year that unfolded.

Written by Jewellery World

As 2023 draws to a close, the Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) takes a retrospective glance at the year that unfolded. The JAA has made meaningful achievements and progress in 2023, demonstrating its commitment to supporting and advancing the Australian jewellery industry. Here are some notable accomplishments:

JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards and Soirée: Presented by the JAA, the Awards program showcased the remarkable talent and creativity within the industry and provided a platform for recognition and celebration. The Soirée, which collaborated with the Jewellery Industry Network, was a fitting event to honour the Awards entrants and finalists and announce winners of the Awards, along with networking and celebration of the jewellery industry.

Member/Industry Benefits: JAA continued to expand its range of benefits for members. Collaborations with Australia Post and Australian Printed Ribbon have provided members exclusive advantages. Additionally, webinars have offered valuable insights for the industry, promising future benefits such as messaging services and fuel card programs currently in the works. Also, initiating a maker’s mark register, which will help protect the authenticity of jewellery creations.

Re-contract with JewelCover: JAA successfully renewed its partnership with JewelCover, ensuring members have access to comprehensive insurance coverage for their clients tailored to the jewellery industry’s unique needs.

Membership for Graduates: Recognising the importance of nurturing talent within the industry, JAA introduced a membership option for graduates. This move not only supports newcomers but also helps ensure the industry’s future growth and excellence.

Investigations into Shared Workspace and Insurance: The Association has been actively exploring the possibility of shared workspace options for members and the wider industry, facilitating collaboration and reducing overhead costs. Additionally, discussions about insurance as a part of membership benefits are ongoing, further enhancing the value of JAA membership.

New Board Director: JAA welcomed a new board director, Daniel Anania, to contribute fresh perspectives and expertise. The association continually seeks additional director candidates who can contribute to its mission and vision for a stronger industry.

Collaboration with Other Industry Bodies: JAA has actively engaged with and met other industry bodies. Such collaborations help create a unified voice for the industry and enable collective efforts in addressing shared challenges and opportunities. One collaboration to highlight was the meeting of industry bodies to work through the process of the Opal Guide presented by Australia to CIBJO at their latest conference in India in October. We look forward to working more closely with all the industry bodies.

Exhibition at Jewellery Industry Fairs: For the first time since 2016, JAA participated in the Jewellery Industry Fair in Melbourne and Sydney. These exhibitions provided valuable networking opportunities and showcased the Association’s commitment to industry engagement.

Maintained Profit Status: Despite the challenges faced by many organisations recently, JAA successfully maintained its profit status, ensuring the financial stability necessary to continue supporting its members. JAA has also been able to maintain a steady level of memberships.

Consumer Complaint Resolution: JAA has diligently addressed consumer complaints against its members and the broader industry, demonstrating a commitment to maintaining high ethical and professional industry standards. The day-to-day administration of the Association has been managed efficiently, ensuring that the JAA can focus on its core mission of serving its members and promoting excellence in the Australian jewellery industry.

In summary, the JAA’s achievements and progress in 2023 highlight its dedication to the growth and prosperity of the Australian jewellery industry. By fostering innovation, collaboration, and member benefits, the Association continues to play a vital role in advancing the sector.

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